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On the night of October 7 JVP posted the following on their website: “Following 16 years of Israeli military blockade, Palestinian fighters from Gaza launched an unprecedented assault…”. Palestinian fighters? Really? The post then goes on to blame Israel for…well, everything. No mention of Hamas. No mention of terrorists recording their gleeful rapes and chopping off heads, burning victims alive, slaughter lopping off women’s’ breasts to kick around like soccer balls, wholesale slaughter of women, men, children and elderly and infants. These well-documented horrors—inflicted, documented, and widely shared by Hamas—are what JVP considers as justifiable actions by “Palestinian fighters.”

Read JVP’s full statement. Then look squarely at the footage taken by “Palestinian fighters.” Do not look away. Tell me why JVP defended this barbarous slaughter even while blood was still soaking the desert of the Nova Fest, while the acrid smell of smoke and burning bodies filled the air throughout Israel, while bloodied and raped victims were thrown into trucks and carried away like the spoils of war.

JVP statement of October 7: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2023/10/07/statement23-10-07/

Footage taken by Palestinian fighters that JVP finds justifiable: https://www.hamas-massacre.net/

Long before October 7 I wrote an investigative white paper on JVP, which uses their social media platforms to foment hatred of Jews, employing every tool at their disposal, including ancient blood libels, distortion and blatant lies about Jewish history, and echoes of writings by David Duke. Read this study, watch ALL the footage taken by “Palestinian fighters” without looking away, and then tell us why JVP is a defensible organization that claims to speak on behalf of Jews.

White Paper on JVP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iDO_xDVIkseLZdANIqieKccS2KauyfZE/edit

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